
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Marshalls first haircut!!

Well, when last sunday someone commented on how cute my little girl was I knew it was time to give Marshall a haircut. Here he is before. Poor guy looks like he has bangs. Here's during the cut. He sat really still. He did a lot better then Vaughn did...or does!!
Looking lots better!!

Done!! He looks really hadsome!! And a few months older!
P.S my son isn't turning green. I was feeding him dinner when I thought, he needs a haircut, so while he was sitting in his chair I cut his hair. Then we headed right to the tub to be cleaned up!


Tiffany said...

The look on his little face is priceless! Cute!

jkaaberg said...

sure, lull him into eating then get him with the trimmers... I see how you do it! Didn't seem to bother him too much! What a mellow little boy. he is sooo cute