
Monday, July 4, 2011

The 4th of July!

We went up to the parade in North Ogden so we could watch the parade with my family. Over all the parade went well other then all the kids standing in the road pretty much on top of the floats. Oh and when my sister wrestles an 8 yr old for a little frisbee they were handing out in the parade. Other then that we enjoyed the parade!It was also my Grandpa's 90th birthday. So we all got together and took some fun family photos! Here is my grandma and grandpa with their children:Dont they look so festive?!Here is my grandparents with all the great grand kids..well i guess not oll we are missing a few. But all the ones in Utah!After all the celebration we went over to the Martins house for a BBQ, swimming, Fireworks and Fun!!

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