
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Vaughn!

Vaughn had a very Happy Birthday!! On sunday we had his aunt, uncles, grandparents and a cousin over to celebrate! We grilled up some steaks and had a yummy dinner. Then we finally got to the part Vaughn was excited for: opening his presents!! He wanted to open them since he got up first thing in the morning. I kept telling him he had to wait till everyone got there before he could open them. So then he kept asking " is everyone here yet?" It was a long day! But here he is FINALLY opening them up: He got a Buzz Lightyear gun, which he picked out. He was so funny he saw it in the store and wouldn't put it down. He kept telling us this is what he wanted for his birthday and we needed to go to they buyer thing and buy it. He is so funny.
Then his dad got him these airplanes:
Grandma and Grandpa Aaberg got him a grill!
Uncle Jordan and Aunt Kim got him more food for his grill, an apron and a chef's hat to wear while grilling:

Uncle Alan and Aunt Jayna got him the Handy Manny tools!
And Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa Brooks got him this cool pirate ship water toy!
He got lots of great thing! I guess Bran wasn't too excited about the present opening since he didn't stay awake thru it:
Then it was time for cake and ice cream! Vaughn wanted a Thomas the train cake. My mom has this cool pan that cooks the cake to really look like a train. Then I just frosted it to make it look like Thomas. I think it turned out pretty good. Or atleast I think you can tell its Thomas.

Vaughn digging into what was left of the cake after everyone had had some:

What a mess!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Vaughn!!

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