
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What a week!!

Man, what a CrAzY week!! First we closed on our house on Wed March 17th! Yes, we are homeowners again!! So then we made plans to move into our house on Sat when me and Bran were both off and could get a bunch of people to help. We also still had a lot for things we needed to get done before moving in. WE still needed to pack up my mom's house. And we also had some painting to finish up at our new house. So Wed afternoon my brother, his wife and I went out to the house to paint. We mostly got it finished but planned to get together again on Friday to finish up! Here's our house ready to move in!!

BUT,Thursday morning brought a BIG surprise. I woke up to my water breaking. I rushed upstairs to tell Bran that I was pretty sure my water JUST broke. He asked "are you sure you didn't just pee your pants?" I said nope this was definately different than peeing your pants. So then we headed up to the hospital at 6:30am. We got there and they looked and yep, sure enough my water had broke. My doctor came in and talked to me and told me 34 weeks is usually the point where they don't really try and hold the babies in any longer so we were going to be having this baby TODAY! So we were sent in for the c-section and on Thursday March 18th Marshall Blain Brooks was born at 12:22pm. He was 4lb 14oz and 18 inches long! He has A LOT of dark curly hair! Here we are getting ready for the c-section:

Here's our little guy!

Here's the isolette he stays in:
He is hooked up to so many tubes its kind of sad. He is doing really well though. He never had to be put on a ventilator, he just needed the oxygen tubes so that was good! And he was just on oxygen till Sat night.

Then Sunday night they took out 1 of his IV's!! Then hopefully the other IV comes out tonight or tomorrow morning. Then all he will have is his feeding tube!! Then hopefully we can bring him home soon!! The doctors keep saying he is doing so good! So hopefully that continues!!


Shiree said...

Looks just like another little Brooks! We are thinking about and praying for you guys. I HATED having Josie stay in the hospital without me and it wasn't for near as long as you guys. Best of luck!

Jilly said...

He looks so TINY! I'm glad that everything went well though! So much exciting news all at once!

Ben and Lindsay said...

He is so handsome! Congrats to you guys on everything! I guess little Marshall did not want you guys to move in without him!

Sharli said...

He is beautiful Em! Looking at your pictures I had flashbacks from Tyce being born at 34 weeks! I hope all is well and if you need anything or just to talk, let me know!

Breanne said...

Congrats Emilee...We are all glad that things are doing good. Let us know if we can do anything!

Mrs B said...

Oh, Emilee!! I can't imagine your week, but I'm sooo glad he's doing well! & he's just gorgeous! Congrats!!

Randy and Malissa Johnson said...

I'm so glad that Marshall is doing well. I can't believe how much hair he has!! The house looks awesome!!

JODI said...

Congratulations! That is so crazy that you went into labor so soon. It's awesome that he is doing well, and so darn cute. I'm sure he will be home before you know it. I'm so jealous that your house is done and they are just digging our hole this weekend. Your so lucky. Can't wait to see more pictures of your little guy and your new house! Ü

Dani said...

Ahhh!!! I can't wait to meet him! What a cute little (early bird) guy! Just a reminder: If you need anything at all, please call! Love ya!